Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Confetti party!

Take the bad things and make them good...while a kid throwing his small bits of paper around the room may seem terrible, we just made it a confetti party and it quieted him. Point me.

Great things from today:
*I woke up before work. It may have been later than I liked, but I woke up on my own without an alarm. WOO!
*My hair turned out cute today, which is great since it was picture day. 10 minutes to shower and get ready did me well this morning.
*My AP helped me take care of a kid's problems today. Go us!
*4th grade teachers are excited about science fair. This year's is going to be better than ever!
*KP and I had a great venting session. I think both of us are better off knowing both of us feel the same way. We went to dinner too. YUM!
*My kids did awesome on their math tests! Yes, there were a few mistakes, but mistakes happen. I told them I expected their best, and they showed me just how great their best is.
*I got a great email from a person I respect very much. I really am not a fan of writing long emails, but I responded to hers and I'm excited for her response back.

I got to talk to MDPSK.

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