Monday, April 17, 2006

Hi! What's your name?

I went for a run today, and it was just plain great. Beautiful weather, fun people out, all around wonderful. Maybe it's just because I've been having a few really good days and it carries over to my running. Maybe it's just because running is something that I've found makes me really happy. I decided to be adventurous today and run my normal beginning, and then try to find a way to make it back to my apartment without running on the road I don't like. I still haven't found it. My half alternative that I've found puts me on an even worse road, and that's just not good.

As I was running, there were two little girls sitting with their dad who was trying to fix one of the girls' bike. As soon as I got within shouting distance they both said "HI! What's your name?" and they were just as cute as could be. The dad got flustered, thinking that it was bothering me, but I went along with it and told them my name and talked to them about their bike. It was fun. I also liked that I didn't have to run through rivers to get anywhere.

I ran just a bit farther today before I started walking, and did the extra bit in less time than my usual run, which made me happy. Maybe running is something I should have taken up a long time ago.

The stats for the day:
Distance: about 4.8 miles
Time: 70 minutes, 6:30 pm
Sunny, cloudless, and blue :)
Temperature: 60 degrees
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: from the ENE at 10 mph
Pressure: 29.97 in and rising

That all equals--BEAUTIFUL!

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