Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Running in a zoo?!!?

First of all, I'm feeling much much better. My eyelid is still a bit swollen, but it's redness is gone, and the swelling has gone down significantly. MUCH better.

Now for the good stuff:
I went to DC for the weekend to visit one of my old roommates who is interning there. We walked around SO much that had I not run, I would probably have exercised enough to last a lifetime. We decided to go on a run, though, and we decided to go through the National Zoo. We did a really good job of running out because it was all downhill, but on the way back, she and I decided to get distracted by the animals so that Frat Boy wouldn't keep running. Basically, it was the most amazing "run" i had ever been on because I ran for a good 15 or 20 minutes, and then saw aminals on the way back! Oh so great! I heart zoos!


Big Feet said...

You can indeed just run through the National Zoo, but some people look at you funny, and others yell at you even though you're doing nothing wrong. Basically you just have to get there early enough for it to not be packed, or else you have to walk because it's like Disney on Spring Break. You should definately go! Next time I go, you can go too :)

Big Feet said...

RG-since I can't comment on your blog, here's my reply to your sleepy one:

Just keep running! :)

I hear you on the sleep thing...I feel like I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in years. One day you'll get a restful night, and it will be great.

While I know I'm 1000 miles away, and that makes it kind of difficult to help, let me know if you need anything from me to help you raise your money. Your cause is near and dear to my heart :)