Monday, October 19, 2009

Contractions--grammatical ones

Thought for the day: I am not a fan of contractions in people's vocabulary. I am wiping them partially out of my vocabulary, at least the n't ones and the third person pronoun ones. (Yes, in my head, that makes lots of sense) I feel like those are the ones that I hear the most and that makes me less happy, so they're going to become something I ignore.

Happy things from today:
  • Yummy biscuit for breakfast
  • I finished getting together science fair information to get to teachers, and I passed part of it on to the wonderful teacher who leads the other grade at my school to take care of. More importantly, I think she might actually do with it what needs to be done.
  • Fun visit with Cynthia's driver. Somehow it made me happy to take a break to talk to him.
  • Talked to Topher on the way to dinner. I heart my old friends.
  • FABULOUS dinner with LDaug. I went into it not expecting much, but after not seeing her for a year and both of us having less than wonderful days, dinner was great (and yummy too!)

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