Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Eh...nothing exciting to report, but I know if I don't report my nonexcitement then I'll feel obligated to report both it and the next thing I do, and then I might not purely because while one post is hard enough, two is even harder.

My mom and I met one of her friends to go around the lake. I ran counterclockwise and they walked clockwise so that we would meet and I would walk back with them. I ran 1.3 miles, then walked an extra .7 to meet them, and then walked the 2 miles back with them. The people were relatively interesting to watch, like the rollerblade guy who kept passing me so each time I was able to get a better look at the scrape on his arm to determine how painful I thought his fall must have been (I decided it wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't want one myself), the couple who had no control over their dogs, the dog who's owner wanted it to drink water when it wasn't thirsty, the old bike guy that looks like he must be in pain when he gets done because of the position he has his back and such, and the girls who are just out so that they can look like they're working. It's quite fun actually to watch the people go by; sometimes I wonder what sticker they put on me...

I'm not quite sure about the weather for today, but again, I know that I won't post tomorrow if I wait to see, so this is my best guess:
Exercise: Running/Walking
Distance: 1.3 miles/2.7 miles
Time: 6:00 pm, about 50 minutes
Temperature: 91 degrees
Humidity: 70-ish%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: ENE at approximately 12 mph
Pressure: 30.02-ish and rising

Close enough.


Runner Girl FL said...

The run ahead and catchup to walk thing is working well I guess. :) I have my puffins sitting on the mantle at home. I have to figure out where to hang them. I LOVE THEM!!

Big Feet said...

Yay for the Puffins! I'll let grandma know...

Runner Girl FL said...

I sent her a thankyou card too. :)