So I'm happily rollerblading along the trail with no one around, when one person appears in the distance. As I look closer, I see that it's B-ran, who lives right off of the trail that I was on. Yay for seeing someone I haven't seen for a while!
Now that I've been having to do all of this exercise on my own, I've been listening to the radio as I go. While most people can handle this, I'm one of those that likes to sing and dance when I hear fun upbeat songs, so this is my fair warning to all those who might ever run/walk/rollerblade/anything relating to moving and outside: If you let me listen to the radio, you will have to allow me to sing and dance, that's just the way it is. Either that or keep me away from all music.
Lastly, I've decided that the biggest difference between rollerblading on the Monon in Indy and the trail here is the surrounding area. While on the Monon you have to worry about crossing busy roads, 38th being constructed on, and lots of people, here in central Florida you worry about snakes crossing the road, turtles getting in your way, and best of all, trying to find a way around the cow maneur that is going across the width of the trail. I think it would be fun to find a combination fo the two...
Stats for the day:
Exercise: Rollerblading
Distance: 11 miles
Time: 9:51-11:00 am
Temperature: 82 degrees
Humidity: 40%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: WNW at 14 mph
Pressure: 30.03 and steady
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1 comment:
Yea for B-Ran!! Booo for cow poop!!
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